Obesity Surgery
in İzmir Turkey
Only 2190 GBP

Buy directly from doctor with all Inclusive prices.  No Hidden Cost.
Hotel, gastric sleeve operation, tests, VIP transfers, nutrition support and follow up included.

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We have preapared an optimum package for obesity surgery

You can buy directly from doctor without any commission.

Gastric Sleeve Operation Obesity surgery operation


4 Star Hotel, Vıp Transfers beetween hotel - airport - hospital

Health Check

Medicines, pre operative tests, 1 year follow up, 1 year nutrition support

About Us

Experienced team and experienced doctor

Operating doctor Yalım uçtum has over 15 years experience in obesity surgery. Yalım Uçtum and His Team made 4000+ successful obesity surgery operation.

Years Experience
0 +


Contact Us

Contact us and choose your opearation date.



Come to İzmir, We will meet you at the airport.



You can return on 4. day

Our obesity surgery process is easy and safe.

Choose your date. Our representitives will arrange everything for you.

Why to Choose Us For Obesity Surgery

Operating doctor Yalım uçtum has over 15 years experience in obesity surgery.

Over 5000 houndred patient lost weight with us.
You can buy directyly from us so you do not pay any comission.
We have a five star support team that will assist you from begining to the end.

We have specialized in only obesity surgery and prepared an optimum package for obesity so We have cost advantage.

A Great Variety of Options are
Available in Obesity Treatment

After a comprehensive examination, we decide on which treatment option should be preferred.
While making this decision, we prefer the most effective and most accurate method for the patient,
depending on the current situation.

Before After

After a comprehensive examination, we decide on which treatment option should be preferred.
While making this decision, we prefer the most effective and most accurate method for the patient,
depending on the current situation.

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